3rd Edition Roman Missal

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Happy Thanksgiving!
To all of my readers, I wish blessed Thanksgiving day. May it be filled with good food and even better company. Its a shame that much of our American culture pushes us through thing great day in order to get us to focus on, not Christmas itself, but rather on Christmas shopping. However, I will save that topic for another blog post.
Today I will focus on my Thanksgiving traditions and travels. I grew up on a home with very few holiday traditions. However, I married into a family who is really quite big on said traditions, and I must say, I love it. So, when the news came my wife and boys would be joining my In-laws in spending the Thanksgiving, long weekend at a house rented out in Carmel I have to admit I was hesitant. Now, I have absolutely have nothing against the city of Carmel, Ca. If i had to choose of cities to spend time in Carmel is at thr top of my list, but I digress to my original point, breaking otraditionon. I was even more so perturbed after finding out we would be trading turkey with all the fixings for tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. In was very much looking forward to mashed potatoes and gravy, rolls and cranberry sauce, but they were not to be. My heart ached.
Believe it or not, this is a positive posting. Fore, I would still be bumming myself out about traditions had it not been for the biggest tradition of all, which, thanks be to God, we were able to keep to this year. Having the entire family together is the only thing we really need to celebrate any holiday.
Now on to Christmas. ;)
